Effective Home Remedies for Asthma
About 13 percent of the American population suffers from a serious respiratory condition known as asthma. Among its symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightening.
The cure for the disease is not yet known but there are treatments available to help manage the condition. Some of the home remedies to try includes the following.

Eat Healthy Fats
We are what we eat. This old saying might be true because the food we consume has a huge effect on one’s ability to minimize the symptoms of asthma. Salty food products are not recommended for asthmatic patients. On the other hand, consumption of healthy fats are seen to be helpful in improving lung functioning.
Another option to eat is avocado. This fruit has anti-inflammatory properties because of oleic acid. Omega-3 intake found in chia seeds can also be as great source of healthy fats. Eggs, dark chocolates and fatty fish are also top alternatives.
Add Figs to Your Water
Patients with asthma can benefit from figs because they help prevent flair-ups. As compared to other dried fruits, figs can help in clearing the buildup of mucus not just in the lungs but also in nasal passages. As a result, figs can help people with asthma breathe easier.
To prepare the figs, first soak them in water overnight. Upon waking up, drink the fig infused water on an empty stomach. This will help you get rid of the phlegm.
Practice Breathing Retraining
Deep breathing is a good way to manage symptoms of asthma.
A method known as “breathing retaining” can be quite effective at training the lungs to relax. While doing this technique, asthmatic patients needs to inhale through the nose rather than the mouth. This helps warm the air that goes into the respiratory tract.
Having a good posture is also helpful in breathing easier. Sitting up straight is a great way to breathe easier and ease the stress on your lungs.
Drink Hot Tea and Coffee
To ensure efficient lung functioning, drinking hot beverages like tea and coffee can be advantageous. Doctor-prescribed inhaler medication works very similar to the caffeine found in coffee and tea. Drinking these hot beverages can open the clogged airways for hours.
Coffee and tea are just alternatives and must not be a constant replacement to the regular treatments given by doctors.
Increasing the Intake of Vitamin C
Vitamin C intake can benefit asthmatic patients and it is best to be taken daily. Its antioxidant content helps prevent the airways from being obstructed. Fruits are the best way to increase your vitamin C intake. Some options include:
- Oranges
- Strawberries
- Papaya
- Berries
Aside from the fruit choices, vitamin C can also be found in vegetables like bell peppers and broccoli.
Asthma symptoms can get worse when breathing in dry air. When the airways are dry, they are likely to be irritated and swollen.
Any asthmatic person should invest in a humidifier. A small unit fits perfectly in the bedroom to vaporize the air. Before bedtime, switch on the unit to ensure a peaceful evening. It can increase the moisture to help loosen the congestion and minimize the wheezing.
Use a Home Air Purifier
Asthma attacks are mostly caused by allergens like dust and pollen. The US Environmental Protection Agency says that indoor air is about five times dirtier when compared to outdoor air.
An air purifier will minimize the allergens in your home. Make sure to change the filter from time to time so that it performs at its highest level.
Workout Plan Development
Unfortunately asthmatic patients rarely exercise due to their condition. This should not be case a lack of exercise can make symptoms even worse.
Yoga and swimming are recommended for patients with asthma. These exercises will bring you improved lung functioning and less risk of upper respiratory infections.
Stay Away from Painkillers
Painkillers often come in handy for people in pain. The thing is, patients with asthma should be careful taking this kind of drug. Aspirin should be avoided as it can lead to a problem such as difficulty in breathing.
With the options discussed above, it is clear that several home remedies can be found to manage asthma symptoms. The best thing is, they do not require a huge amount of cash to try.