Finding the Best Deals on Electricity and Gas in the UK
Here’s some of the best deals on utilities in the UK right now.
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To get the latest and best deals on the market, you need to compare the various available energy deals. This will help you get good value for your money.
Our job is to help you compare your tariffs and calculate bills based on your consumption level.
How to find a low-cost energy supplier
Is your energy supplier extorting you? Do you want the cheapest deal on the market? If your answer is yes, few things need to change because you can’t do the same things and expect different results.
It would help if you changed how you pay bills and start using the same dealer for electricity and gas.
It is far cheaper and convenient to use the same merchant for both electricity and fuel instead of using different dealers.
When you transact business with one supplier, you’ll have less paperwork to deal with and have one contract to pay.
Most suppliers will offer you a discount for signing up for a dual fuel tariff.
If you pay your bills every month through Direct Debit, you could be eligible for more discounts. Furthermore, you’re always advised to check your bill payment options when conducting an energy comparison.
In a situation where the best deals on the market are coming from a supplier with little to no history, you should go ahead and conduct business with them and not be worried about their lack of popularity.
In the United Kingdom, Ofgem is saddled with the responsibility of regulating the energy industry. This means that there is a level playing field for all the energy suppliers in the industry.
Both the small and the big companies have to follow the same set of rules.
One of the major reasons that make people switch energy providers is the high cost of energy bills.
However, that’s not all; there’s billing accuracy, customer service performance, and how much it costs to dump your current supplier and move to another supplier.
If you feel you don’t need the dual-fuel deal because you use a gas transporter or don’t use too much gas, that’s ok.
However, you can still compare the available electricity deals and also compare the various gas prices.
Here are some of the top companies offering the best deals on gas and electricity in the United Kingdom
E.ON is a German company owned by E.ON (the owner bears the same name as the company). The company began its operation in the UK as PowerGen before E.ON bought it in 2002.
However, it was until 2007 before E.ON started to operate under the E.ON title.
E.ON delivers power to about 8 million clients across the United Kingdom. It provides power to both industrial and residential customers.
The company is also focused on eco-friendly methods for generating and distributing power.
E.ON has the biggest biomass electricity generating plants and 21 wind farms in the United Kingdom.
If you’re concerned about global warming and don’t want to use traditional energy, you could leverage the full potentials of Ecotricity.
Ecotricity on the other hand is a utility company that provides green gas and electricity.
Ecotricity generates power through solar and wind. Furthermore, their gas is gotten from a Frack-free shack, and then they make it available to customers at competitive industry rates.
Since 2013, Ecotricity has been the most stable among all utility suppliers.
They charge 23.02 pence per kilowatt, a night unit cost of 6.95 pence per kilowatt and a daily charge of 25.46.
Shell Energy
Shell Energy, a popular oil and gas establishment formally known as First Utility rebranded in 2019 after Shell Energ bought it.
Shell’s mandate is to provide electricity for industrial and domestic use by purchasing First Utility and rebranding it to Shell Energy.
Furthermore, there’re also considering the production of clean fuels like biofuels and hydrogen.
Engie is one of the widely known gas and electricity companies in the UK. Its reputation is high up there as one of the trusted utility companies in the industry.
Their pricing is competitive, and they focus heavily on liquefied natural gas, energy efficiency and sustainable energy.
Octopus Energy
Octopus Energy, previously known as GB Energy, is a utility company based in the United Kingdom. They provide gas and electricity to their customers at reasonable and affordable rates.
Octopus Energy is known to never compromise on quality. They are reliable and one of the most reasonably priced utility companies in the UK.
Grants and Benefits for Energy Bills
If you are having a hard time paying your energy bills there are a number of government assistance programs that you can use to cover the cost your your bills. You might be eligible for the Cold Weather Payments Benefit or the Winter Fuel Payment which are both UK government payments to help offset your energy bills.
There is also the Warm Home Discount Scheme which offers £140 off your electricity bill if you are a low income individual or a senior on a pension.
In Conclusion
It’s possible to save a lot of money on gas and electricity bills. If you are concerned you are spending too much on these services at the moment, then it is worthwhile to compare rates from a number of different providers to see how much money you could save.
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