Get a Discount Medicare Plan at Walmart
American seniors who use Medicare will want to learn about these discount Medicare plans that are now available from Walmart.
Walmart has recently announced that they are launching a new brokerage service to connect American seniors with low cost and affordable Medicare Advantage plans. This new program is called Walmart Insurance Services and it helps American seniors compare plans from all of the largest health care providers such as United Healthcare, Humana, Anthem and WellCare.
What Types of Medicare Plans Does Walmart Offer
Walmart will be selling all of the major Medicare plans to American seniors. At launch Walmart will be licensed to offer these plans in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia. This is great news as it means that people across the United States will be able to access all of the savings offered by Walmart.
The exact types of Medicare plans Walmart offers include:
Medicare Part C – this plan replaces Original Medicare and covers hospital related services and emergency health care. Unlike Original Medicare, a Part C plan also comes with additional services such as vision, dental hearing support. It is also quote common for Part C to offer some form of prescription coverage.
Medicare Part D – Part D refers to a prescription medication benefit that is available to people who are on Medicare. Part D is only available from private insurance companies and Walmart can help you find the best deals on Part D coverage.
Medigap – Medigap is a form of supplement insurance that helps pay for out of pocket costs that are not covered by Original Medicare. Any seniors who intend to rely on Original Medicare are well served to get a Medigap plan to cover any unanticipated expenses.
Medicare Advantage Plans – A Medicare Advantage Plan is an alternative to original Medicare. They are sold by private insurers and they cover everything in Original Medicare plus also have extra benefits like dental, vision and hearing care. Note that you cannot have both a Medigap Plan and a Medicare Advantage Plan; you choose one or the other.
Now that we know which types of Medicare coverage is available from Walmart, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why seniors should consider purchasing their health coverage from Walmart.
$0 Premiums are Available
Walmart is planning to offer several different options of Medicare Advantage plans. It is expected that many of these options will include $0 2021 premiums.
For 2021, Walmart has confirmed two different Medicare Advantage plans, both of which are called LiveHealthy. One of these will include a $0 per month premium. Also included is free primary care visits, lab testing, annual physical and even preventative dental examinations.
$0 Copays are Available
The Walmart LiveHealthy plan also features the added benefit of a $0 copay. These plans feature a $0 copay on Part D deductibles plus they include a bonus $100 every quarter to spend on health related items from Walmart.
Seniors who may be on a fixed income or trying to stretch every dollar will be happy to learn about these $0 copay programs which can help them save a lot of money.
Comfort of Working with Walmart
Many seniors are already familiar with Walmart and do a lot of shopping at the store. This means there is an added level of comfort when it comes to working with Walmart to find the right health insurance. You know that Walmart delivers the lowest prices on other items such as food, clothing and electronics, so it is no surprise that Walmart can help you find the very best prices on health insurance plans.
You can also rest assured that Walmart will connect you to a quality Medicare Advantage provider. Since Walmart is one of the largest companies in America, they have a strong reputation to uphold and only work with other good companies.
In Conclusion
Walmart has announced plans to offer Medicare plans for the 2021 and 2022 calendar years. This is a brand new line of business for Walmart, so they are investing considerable resources to make sure they do a good job connecting seniors to the right health care providers.
Note that Walmart will not be offering the health care support themselves. Instead they are acting as a Medicare broker and connecting you to companies like Humana and United Healthcare which operate extensive health care facilities across the United States.
Any senior who wants to get a high quality Medicare Advantage plan or Medigap plan without spending a lot of money needs to take a look at the great deals Walmart has available.
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