The Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer
Awareness is the key to protect yourself from prostate cancer. Knowing the early warning signs can help you detect the problem in its early stages and start a treatment plan right away.
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Every single man should be concerned about prostate cancer as he ages. While this disease can affect any man, African Americans seem to be at the greatest risk for diagnosis. Most people who are diagnosed with prostate cancer receive the news while in their 50s, but African American men tend to be diagnosed even earlier in life. Unfortunately, African American men are also the group most likely to die from the disease.
Doctors diagnose this disease through a prostate-specific antigen test or a digital rectal exam. You won’t have to go through radiation therapy and other invasive treatments if your physician treats the problem in its early stages.
Early Signs of Prostate Cancer
Unfortunately, there aren’t any obvious signs of prostate cancer in its early stages. Instead there are several small signs that when seen together indicate that someone may be at risk. We’ve selected a few symptoms that are common among patients of prostate cancer and presented them here so you can familiarize yourself.
Difficulty Peeing
The prostate gland constricts your urethra because of the cancerous tumor. As a result, your ability to urinate is affected. The tumor may eventually create a blockage if it’s not treated on time. It will ultimately stop the flow of urine.
Prostate cancer may also cause some pain in your bladder. Once the disease reaches an advanced stage, the painful sensations will become intolerable. You will feel discomfort any time you try to go to the bathroom.
Frequently Visiting the Bathroom
If you find yourself having to go to the bathroom more it could be a sign of prostate cancer. This is because prostate cancer irritates the bladder, causing you to visit the bathroom even when your bladder isn’t full.
Blood in Urine
If you see blood in your urine once in a while, it doesn’t mean that you have prostate cancer as it happens because of a medical problem called hematuria. Blood in the urine coupled with an enlarged prostate gland is a reason to be concerned.
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A Weak Stream
Your urethra may be obstructed as a result of prostate cancer. The prostate gland swells which obstructs the urethra.
Loss of Bladder Control
You might face problems with preventing your urine from leaking out if prostate cancer has developed. Men who have prostate cancer often claim that they are suffering from urinary incontinence. The problem grows bigger as the affected prostate changes the flow of urine by disturbing the bladder and urethra.
Treatment Options
Doctor can offer more options based on how advanced your prostate cancer is. The sooner it is detected the better.
Radiation Therapy
High levels of radiation are used to kill the cells that have caused prostate cancer. The cells do not replicate once they die. The results from radiation therapy are similar to the results from surgery. We recommend using the services of a board-certified oncologist when you’re undergoing this treatment.
If you have localized prostate cancer, surgery can be the right treatment for you. The surgeon removes the prostate through your lower abdomen. Surgeons commonly prefer using the l;aparoscopic radical prostatectomy technique because it offers a quick and efficient recovery.
Hormone Therapy
Testosterone is also a major factor for prostate cancer. Therefore, hormone therapy can also be useful. This method stops the growth of cancer cells by interfering with the production of testosterone. However, it’s not always a recommended option as it comes with some side effects like erectile dysfunction, mood swings and other problems.
Although chemotherapy doesn’t have a good reputation, it is still a good option for treating your problem. A number of anti-cancer drugs like prednisone and docetaxel are injected in your body to shrink the cancerous tumor. You would have to face common problems ranging from hair loss to minor nerve damage once the drugs enter your bloodstream. The good news is that the side effects are just temporary because the healthy cells replace the damaged ones later on.
You can stay safe from prostate cancer by leading a healthy lifestyle. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms described above, you should consider visiting your doctor as soon as possible.
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