Never Ignore These Signs and Symptoms of Cancer
Cancer is a disease that impacts people regardless of their age and gender. There are many different types of cancer that can affect just about every area of the body. If one area of the body becomes infected, the cancer can then spread to other parts of the body.
Over 1.7 million new cases of cancer are confirmed every year according to the National Cancer Institute. One of the reasons this number is so high is because cancerous tumors can grow undetected for quite some time before the body begins to show any symptoms.
Often, people mistake the symptoms of cancer as being a minor illness like a common cold or fatigue. Ignoring these symptoms can result in very bad health outcomes as it delays a diagnosis of cancer. When the diagnosis is delayed, so too is the treatment plan. Please make sure you pay attention to the following symptoms of cancer and visit a doctor if they begin to develop.
Head pain
Headaches are incredibly common and they can strike at any time. Things like stress, lack of sleep and dehydration are common causes of headaches. One of the first symptoms of cancer is frequent headaches. If you begin to experience frequent headaches that last for a long time, it could be a sign of cancer.
As per Medical News Today, headaches can be an early indicator for brain cancer, leukemia and lung cancer. If you begin to experience severe headaches that just won’t go away, consult with your physician to see if this is a signal of a serious underlying medical condition.
High-grade fever
Many common ailments like the common cold or the flu are accompanied by fever. However, if your fever does not go away after a few days it could be the sign that something else is wrong.
Many people suffering from cancer have high fevers. According to the American Cancer Society, a long-lasting fever is one of the first signs of cancer. Almost ever cancer patient will experience a lasting fever at some point during their treatment.
A persistent dry cough
Having a persistent cough is another symptom we usually associate with a cold or virus. However, a nagging cough could also indicate the presence of cancer in the lungs, larynx or thyroid.
The American Cancer Society notes that you should consult a doctor for and dry coughs that last for several weeks. This is especially true for anyone with a history of smoking or a family history of lung cancer.
Unexplained weight loss
If you notice that you’re losing weight without trying to it could be a sign of a problem with your underlying health. Unexplained weight loss is never a good sign. Unfortunately, cancer is a disease that can cause your body to lose weight and muscle mass.
It is recommended that you speak with your doctor if you lose more than 10 lbs without having an explanation for what caused the weight loss. In many cases, this weight loss is a sign of cancer. Some of the type of cancer with unexplained weight loss include stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and oesophageal cancer.
Fatigue or feeling drowsy
It is normal to feel tired after a long day or a lot of work. However, when you continue to feel fatigued even after a lot of rest this is not a good sign. Usually fatigue is caused by other diseases such as the common cold or a thyroid problem, but if this fatigue never seems to go away you should talk to your doctor about it.
The American Cancer Society lists fatigue as an early warning sign for many different types of cancer including stomach cancer, leukemia and colon cancer.
Feeling bloated
It’s common for people to feel bloated, especially after eating a big meal. Other people are more likely to feel bloated at particular times of the day such as right after supper or before going to bed.
If the bloating lasts for more than a few days it could be a cause for concern. WebMD reports that bloating is a common symptoms in many forms of cancer. These include breast, ovarian, colon, uterine, pancreatic and gastrointestinal cancer. Speak to your doctor if you notice any usual patterns of bloating.
One of the most important factors for treating cancer is catching it early. Identifying cancer in its early stages can help you treat it before it progresses and spreads to other parts of the body. This is what makes knowing the early warning signs so important.
Given that millions of people are diagnosed with cancer each year, it is possible that you or someone you love will develop this disease at some point. If you notice any of the above symptoms developing, please get them examined by your doctor.